Sustainable Ranching
Sustainability & What It Means To Us!
Jason's family has always farmed, for many, many generations!
Candice is the 3rd generation to farm in her family.
Why? Because of practiced sustainability for generations, we aren't the first to farm and ranch in our families and we won't be the last either!
We hold dear the value of the land and water that provide life for us. We practice minimum-till or no-till as much as possible to not disturb the soil. We use highly efficient irrigation equipment to reduce water usage to protect and conserve our underground water supply.
To continue to be sustainable with our cattle operation, we are constantly choosing genetics that will give us the best growth performance with the resources that are available, and always striving for better cattle health through low stress handling, our feeding program and minerals.
We know that the quality of our hay & cattle depends on the quality of care with which they are grown, and the awesome environment that God has provided to raise cattle in.
Our mission is to always be nurturing nature which leads to healthy soils, healthy crops, healthy cattle and a healthy you!